Imperial Republic Intelligence Service

A Division of the Ministry of State


The Ubiqtorate

The Director of Intelligence

The Director of Imperial Intelligence is the representative and chief of staff for the Ubiqtorate, and Bureau Chiefs within the Imperial Republic Intelligence Service.  The Director is responsible for establishing and managing the Imperial Republic's methods and support systems for acquiring, sorting, and analysing information and threats to the Imperial Republic.    Operations requiring the waging of unconventional warfare or the use of deniable assets will commonly come under the hand of the Director as well.  While a civilian, the Director of Imperial Republic Intelligence is afforded a great range of movement within military matters, advising as available.  Ultimately, the Director is responsible for the administration and execution of all affairs within and undertaken by the Imperial Republic Intelligence Service, and reports directly to both the Supreme Chancellor and the Supreme Ruler. 

The Deputy Director of Intelligence

The Deputy Director of the Imperial Republic Intelligence Service is the Executive Officer of Intelligence. The Deputy Director is responsible for managing personnel and resource allocations within the various Bureaus and Branches. The Deputy Director will also perform tasks as required by the Director of Imperial Republic Intelligence, and will succeed the Director of the Imperial Republic Intelligence Service.

The Directorates


The Underdirectors are the managers responsible for their assigned directorate. The Underdirectors will present the results of the bureaus under their directorate to the Ubiqtorate.